Monday, January 25, 2010

Sportswear Company Expands Their Wardrobe

A family owned supplier of outerwear and sportswear since 1948 needed to enlarge their storage facility. The 60,000 square foot building next door had been vacant for years, and seemed like a perfect opportunity for expansion. One problem — only 14' of clear height. The building could not provide the warehousing capacity they required.

Not to worry! The company contacted Space Technology to see about lifting the roof, then contacted their real estate broker to arrange the sale.

Within a few months, the building transformed into a modern warehouse thanks to the E-Z Riser Patented Roof Raising Process, lifting the roof from 14' all the way to 37' clear. The buyer has more than doubled their storage capacity, right next to their production facility.

The E-Z Riser Process creatively solves low clear-height problems. Call Space Technology today to arrange a free estimate, 800-784-4150, or visit for more success stories.